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sweet gum造句

"sweet gum"是什么意思  
  • This place has long been famous for its sweet gum trees
  • The publication has the childliterature books five kinds , disperses the anthology one kind , thepoetry anthology " piece by piece chinese sweet gum leaf sentiment " andso on the work
  • That letter fluttering the spring breeze on the song , sha yuan on the champaign of , day of autumn of night that of appointment , haystack in the red sweet gum woods … it state the teenagers on all theses love and hate , happiness and agony , happinesses and sad
    红枫林里的约会、草垛上的夜话、秋日原野上的歌声、沙原上那飞舞在春风中的书信… …这些都诉说着少年的爱与恨、欢乐与痛苦、喜悦与忧伤。
  • Here you will find century - old pines , firs , ginkgoes , chinese torreyas , chinese sweet gums , nanmus , camphor woods and the precious magua trees , remnants of the glacial era . the yellow mountains abound in flowering plants ; many of them are rare ones , such as goddess flower the yellow mountains azalea as well as camellia , plum , lily , crape myrtle , orchid , spring heralding flower and so on
    在山上您可以看到世纪松(或“百年松” ) ,冷杉、银杏、中国胶皮糖香树、樟木和冰川时代的遗迹珍贵的树?黄山的开花植物很丰富,其中许多都是稀有珍品,如美人花、黄山杜鹃花、茶花、李树花、百合花、紫薇(也叫百日红) 、兰花和迎春花等等。
  • Here you will find century - old pines , firs , ginkgoes , chinese torreyas , chinese sweet gums , nanmus , camphor woods and the precious magua trees , remnants of the glacial era . the yellow mountains abound in flowering plants ; many of them are rare ones , such as goddess flower the yellow mountains azalea as well as camellia , plum , lily , crape myrtle , orchid , spring heralding flower and so on
    在山上您可以看到世纪松或“百年松” ,冷杉银杏中国胶皮糖香树樟木和冰川时代的遗迹珍贵的树黄山的开花植物很丰富,其中许多都是稀有珍品,如美人花黄山杜鹃花茶花李树花百合花紫薇也叫百日红兰花和迎春花等等。
  • It's difficult to see sweet gum in a sentence. 用sweet gum造句挺难的
如何用sweet gum造句,用sweet gum造句sweet gum in a sentence, 用sweet gum造句和sweet gum的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。